Peels in Brandon, FL
What is a Peel?
According to ASAPS 2015 data (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery):
561,408 Women and 41,898 Men had chemical peels done that year! This data does not include patients who have had peels at locations other than dermatologist and plastic surgeon’s offices so many in the industry place that number to be around 1 trillion! Suffice to say it is imperative you see someone trained to bring you the best outcomes.
We use peels for custom results-focused outcomes. Peels can help with fine lines, sun damage, blackheads, large pores, clogged pores, acne marks and scars, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, dry skin and combinations of skin problems. We use medical grade professional lines and can choose from mild/light strength peels to aggressive/advanced peels for targeting more challenging concerns.
There are many ingredients that aid in having healthier more youthful looking skin. Knowing what each ingredient can do and then using science-based combinations of these ingredients help to bring the best outcomes. There are many formulations of ingredients that are safe for home use but when targeting deeper skin issues light ingredient percentages will never deliver the desired outcome for the more aged or damaged skin.
Below is list of a few most common ingredients used in peels and what they help with:
Salicylic acid – Powerful and mild depending on the strength being used. This is a keratolytic and comedolytic and this acid helps skin cells shed more easily, opens clogged pores, can neutralize bacteria and can promote healthy cells by decreasing inflammation. Patients allergic to aspirin cannot use this ingredient.
Glycolic acid – Powerful and mild alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) depending on the formulation. Originally glycolic acid was sourced from sugarcane and its use dates to ancient civilizations. Modern formulations are chemically engineered making them more stable and reliable on strengths and outcomes. Glycolic acid helps to chemically exfoliate skin, can aid in control of oil production, can smooth the overall appearance of tone and texture of skin.
Lactic Acid – Usually a milder AHA. Most often used for uneven, dehydrated or dry skin in need of maintenance.
TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid)- Powerful ingredient most often used in combination with other agents to treat more unhealthy, damaged, uneven tone and textured skin. There are many strengths available from milder to extremely strong. Therefore, it is important to see trained skin care professionals.
Resorcinol – usually used in combination and helps to remove rough, dry scaly skin through keratolytic action. Thus, removing some age-related damage.
Kojic Acid- is a chemical derived from mushrooms or during the sake brewing fermented rice that works on a protein called tyrosinase. Tyrosinase proteins aid in the production melanin (pigment) and by blocking the production of melanin it helps to lighten the skin tone.
The latest industry leading peels are usually “blends” of these ingredients. For example, we offer the VI peel which combines: TCA, Retinoic Acid, Phenols, Vitamin C and a proprietary mineral blend as one type of peel offered in their line.
Frequently Asked Questions About Peels
Which Peel is best for me?
It is only possible for us to choose the best peel by having a consultation with you. We look at your concerns and goals and match ingredients and downtime available to bring you the best peel for you or the best peel/skin care products/treatment plan for you.
Will I have downtime?
Depends. There are peels that can bring you fresher more hydrated skin without downtime. There are peels that will give you 3-5 days of flaking skin.
Will it hurt?
There are peels that you will feel nothing when they are being applied. For the more aggressive peels we use an industry leading blend of ingredients with phenol that will help to numb your skin making the application of the peel very tolerable.
Will I need many peels?
Depends on what we are treating and the outcome you want. Most patients need 2-4 medium depth peels when targeting hyperpigmentation or scaring. We create a treatment plan that will match your desired outcomes with your lifestyle considerations. So, if you do not have downtime we use products, laser, lighter peels to reach your goals.
When will I see results?
Depending on the outcome you may see immediate results. If a deeper peel is done you may not see big results until a week later after the peeling process is completed.
What precautions do I need to take before my peel?
We recommend for our patients:
In many cases the peel will come with pre and post care instructions, but the following is a nice general guideline.
1. to stop retinoids/Retin-A products 1-3 days prior to treatment.
2.Avoid sun exposure for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment and to reschedule if you have a sunburn or have been in a tanning bed within 2 weeks.
3. Some patients may be encouraged to stop specific skin care products, and this will be determined during the consultation.
4. Do not use “new to your skin” products for at least 1 week prior to treatment.
5. Some patients may require an antiviral medication prior to treatment to avoid having a “cold sore or fever blister” develop.
What post care do I need to do?
We recommend our patients:
In many cases the peel will come with pre and post care instructions, but the following is a nice general guideline.
- Do not get direct sun exposure for at least 10 days.
- Do not apply any topical products (including sunscreen) to your skin unless advised by Redefine Beauty Aesthetics.
- Unless cleared by Redefine Beauty Aesthetics – Do not apply makeup to area treated for at least 12 hours post treatment and be sure to use clean brushes or a new sponge to apply makeup post treatment.
- Do not perform vigorous exercise or get overly hot for at least 2 days post treatment.
- Take all medication prescribed to you by healthcare provider
- Do not resume pre-peel skin care products until cleared by Redefine Beauty Aesthetics.
Before & After Peel

Areas of Concern:
- Tone
- Texture
- Aging
- Scarring Damage